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REAL LIVES brings you this SIBO case via ZOOM. Some sources suggest that around 80% of IBS sufferers have Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. What exactly is this condition, what causes it and how can a functional test (breathe test) give us the data we need to be sure that SIBO is a reality.

In this episode we follow the case of Annabel who seeks help for her ongoing IBS symptoms. After removing certain foods from her diet we decide on the use of a breathe test to establish whether there is an over-colonisation of specific bacteria in her small intestine.

Armed with the data to validate my suspicions we move forward with dietary changes and the addition of certain supplements. Over time we see a gradual reduction in symptoms to a state of digestive normality.

This talk is suitable for those wishing to understand more about IBS, students of nutritional medicine, trainee health coaches and newly trained nutritionists who wish to understand more about working in this area.

We discuss the back ground to the case and explore what SIBO actually means plus how dietary changes can help

We then read through the breathe test results and discuss which dietary and supplements worked in this case.

Join me for another intriguing case history ZOOM session. A ZOOM link will be sent out the before each meeting.

Tickets at Eventbrite - Link below

(Names are changed for confidentiality)